
Hi, welcome to Small Space Growing!

I created this site to bring together helpful information so you can grow veg even if you only have a small space.

You may be hesitant to get started because you’re not sure you can achieve much in a small space. I have felt like that too. But even with very limited space it is possible to grow food.

My aim is to help you get the most out of your small garden, balcony, backyard or even window ledge.

All the tips for growing in a small space in one place!

When I started to learn about growing my own food I found lots of great advice from sites, books and courses. But as I had such a small space I wasn’t sure if the information would work for me. Tips for growing in small gardens were out there but I had to go digging for them across many sources.

Once I started to see and taste the results of growing my own I felt more confident. So I decided to share my gardening journey. I wanted to bring together everything I learned in one place.

I base all my tips on my own experience of being a beginner gardener trying to make the most out of a very limited space. I share what works for me and what doesn’t.

I cover my mistakes (so you don’t have to make them!). And the triumphs that I hope you will be able to replicate!

My gardening story

Angela is smiling widely. She is a white person wearing large glasses with her hair pulled back.

I’m Alex and I love growing food for my family!

When I first started growing my own food I lived in a sixth-floor flat in a big city. I didn’t have a balcony and so I started to grow a few herbs and salads on my window ledges.

Now I have a home with a small backyard. When I moved here I decided to expand my food growing. I’m sharing what works for me in my garden (and on my window ledges!) on this site. My hope for you is that reading about my journey will help you grow your own food in your own small spaces.

A small backyard with a wooden fence at the back. It's winter so there's not much growth. There are leaves and wood chip mulch scattered about the ground. There's a small compost bag, an old metal garden heater and a wooden bench at the edges and a space of about 1 metre wide and 1.5 metres long in the middle.
My small garden before I started growing any vegetables in it.

On this site, you can see how much my garden has changed since I took this photo. Imagine how much your life could change by making a small space into an abundant growing space too!

If you need to contact me you can find contact details here.